Keep Your Most Valuable Documents Safe with DocVault...!

Keep Your Most Valuable Documents Safe with DocVault...!

Despite having robust security features in our homes, some of us often forget to secure our most important documents.


According to a Consumer Reports National Research Center study, one out of every four Americans has misplaced or forgotten a financial document, and only 40% of them can retrieve essential documents if needed.


However, your most valuable documents require more than just knowing where they are. They also require protection from the elements like Fire, Water, and Dust and Docvault from Arctic Fox provides the perfect solution for all your worries.


The 5 Most Important Documents


Take a look at the five vital documents you should keep safe from the wrong hands and protected from the elements:-


1. Passport


This is one document that you get with the most difficulty. Once lost or damaged, it is quite a complicated hassle to retrieve it.


2. Birth Certificate


The base for all your other documents, keeping your birth certificate safe, is of utmost importance to get all the other documents made.


3. Will and Property Documents


Property documents might be the oldest documents you are having and it is very important to preserve them, talking about your will is probably safe with your lawyer but it is best to have a copy preserved with yourself as well.


4. Social Security/Identity Cards/Codes


Aadhaar Card, Pan Card, Voter ID Card, etc., are all essential documents needed time and again. Unfortunately, they can be misused for identity theft.


5. Annual Tax Returns


While supporting documentation can be discarded after three years, annual tax returns should be kept indefinitely.


What is DocVault?


DocVault, a first-of-its-kind patent-pending document holder designed and developed in India. It was created by Arctic Fox to safeguard your most valuable and important papers.


DocVault is a dependable, portable, and easy-to-maintain premium document protector for storing small valuables such as passports, banking cards, identity cards, wallets, and mobile phones, protecting them from water and fire everywhere you go.


Uses of DocVault


DocVault assures the security of your most valuable papers, including passports, education certificates, home agreements, will contracts, and even financial documents.


Why is DocVault Better than Others?


The DocVault, which is made of 210D Nylon — Topside PU with fire-resistant material, slows down and considerably minimizes the possibility of losing or damaging your most valuable documents/material in the unlikely event of a fire.


DocVault's vacuum-tight technology TOPAZ Air Tight Zippers ensures that not a single drop of water destroys or tarnishes your most valuable papers in the event of rain, flooding, seepage, humidity, soiling, or any other type of water emergency.


DocVault comes with a waterproof exterior that can withstand any flow up to 130kb. A metal carabineer hook helps to hang or attach the DocVault to anything. The carabineer is quite sturdy and durable.


This innovative piece of tech comes in two sizes — DocVault for Passports and Small Docs and DocVault for Legal Documents. Both come with a warranty of up to one year from the date of purchase.


Ensure Air-Tight Security With DocVault!


Rest assured about the safety and security of your most valuable documents with DocVault’s superior quality and assurance. Your documents could have never been safer before. DocVault is the answer to all your worries to keep your documents safe. Get Yours Now!

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